Thursday, March 12, 2015

This is the list of highest-paid leaders in the world: I will not believe who passes Kosovo!

The leader among the highest paid politicians in the world is the American president, Barack Obama, who has an annual salary of 400 thousand dollars, while the Chinese communist leader, Xi Jinping, ranked 12th with the lowest annual salary of 22 thousand dollars.

Obama, in addition to annual salary there are also some tax exemptions of 50 thousand dollars, reports CNN, adding that the salary of the President of the United States has doubled since 2001 when George W. Bush was president.
After Obama coming Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who has an annual salary of 260 thousand dollars, while as third in the list of highest-paid leaders in most developed countries is German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with an annual income of 234,383 dollars, reports Telegraph.
South African President, Jacob Zuma, receives 223,600 dollars a year, while British Prime Minister David Cameron, 214,782 dollars - including MP's salary.
The country's sixth president meets Japanese, Shinzo Abe, with 202.700 dollars per year, while French President François Hollande, would rank even better if his salary would not be reduced to 30 percent after coming to power. These annual income totaling 194,300 dollars him.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, is in eighth place after last week cut his salary by 10 percent due to the economic crisis. He now paid 136,000 dollars a year.
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, earns 124,600 dollars; Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff - 120 thousand dollars; while Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, a little more than 30 thousand dollars a year.
Although manages the second largest economy world, Chinese President Xi Jinping ranked last, in 12th place of the list. Although his salary has increased by 60 percent at the beginning of the year, he now paid 22 thousand dollars a year.
Although Kosovo's economy ranks among the last in Europe, it can be proud that its leaders are paid more than the Chinese president and Indian prime minister.
President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, who has the highest salary of all government officials, paid 2,873 euros a month for her work, or 34,478 euros per year (36,456 dollars). President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli, has a monthly salary of 2,700 euros, or 32,400 euros per year (34,261 dollars). Meanwhile, Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, has an annual salary of 17,318 euros (18,312 dollars), or 1,443 euros per month.

Try to stay serious if you can, when you'll see the laughter of Albanian grandmother (Video)

Sitting on the sofa, Albanian woman in old age getting ready to be photographed. It has put the scarf and fix hair.

Since this does not seem an ordinary files, the force of laughs.
To get a good picture, she laughs aloud. However, children with inflammatory grandchildren cheat, look to her to laugh even "more power", reports Telegraph.
In the video posted below, which is doing laps in social networks, you can see "Loken" and her laughing out loud.

Will distract you this picture: Only 6 percent of people see the horse! (Photo)

Optical illusions are really very interesting.

What do you see, does not mean that the other person sees the same. That an image can represent two different realities, will convince you of the following picture, reports Telegraph.
In fact, 94 percent of people say that the photos are seeing a frog, but the truth is quite different.
In the picture Believe it or not is a horse. But which animal are you seeing?

How good it did: Urge sexually, suffered badly from "victims"! (Video)

But the insult to revile, to she wanted to leave. Once put the bag on the side, her hand man woman you see in the video, but then something happens that he has not waited.

Woman with orange dress, and punched in the face and took her waist to crash later on earth.
The participants at the train station, watched from afar smiling woman with startling movements, reports Telegraph.
Sexual harassment and rape are common in India, but has recently been giving you a bigger space media in an effort to eradicating this phenomenon.

The Guinness Record holder (Photo)

Among the entries for different records of people around the world, are also a few very interesting.

1. The man with the longest eyelashes in the world is Smagliy Valery Ukrainian, has long respectively 6.99 inches.
2. longest hair in the world and holds the record for Chinese, Xie Quiping, which is approximately six feet in length.
3. Females with the longest beard in the world is Vivian Wheeler. Her chin is over 28 centimeters.
4. Women with longer legs in the world is Svetlana Pankratova. The length of the legs that is 1 meter and 30 centimeters, while the number of shoes has 46.

5. Epithet nose over the world belongs to a Turk named Mehmet Ozyurek.His nose has a length of 9 inches.
6. The woman with the longest tongue in the world is Annika Irmler. Her tongue is over 7 inches
7. There are also people with 25 fingers. Devendra Harn from India has 12 fingers on the hands and feet 13, who do as the man with the most fingers in the world.
8. Man longest in the world comes back from Turkey. Sultan Kosen is over 2 meters and 47 centimeters.
9. The reverse of the Turk, Sultan Kosen, is Nino Hernandez, who is only 70 centimeters tall.
10. People like this can not find any other record to break. This that you see is Dean Sheldon, who has held the pointer over 18 centimeters to 20 seconds in the mouth.

Ridiculous: Armed robber fails because he can't intimidate the worker! (Video)

Dramatic video shows the moment a brave worker continues to work even though threatened by an armed mugger.

Security cameras recorded the moment when a male with hat goes quiet in exchanges in Burmingham and draw pistol that held down the jersey, reports Telegraph.
He directs bankieres weapon and demands money, but she continues her work disobeying the order.
Event that occurred at the end of last month, has posted on the internet police of the country, in an effort to identify armed robber. / Telegraph /