Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It is scientifically proven: Here's how much sex guarantees long life and happy!

We all know the benefits of undeniable sex, but did you know that it is scientifically proven that the amount of sex is enough to ensure long life?

Elite Portal Daily conducted a study and found that the optimum amount of sex is that which provides all the advantages it once a day, reports Telegraph.
Study whom have made in Australia has revealed that people who have intercourse once a day were 50 percent less risk of sudden death from whatever medical reason, compared with those who have sex once a week or a once a month.
Another study, which has made American scientist Debby Herbenick, has revealed that adults who were morning sex is the first thing with which start the day, not only are more optimistic about the rest of the day, but they also strong immune system of those who most willingly drank a cup of tea or eat a sandwich before going to work.
Also, the ratio of a stock Psichologu couples Today measured creativity in research, had to imagine the long walk across the beach to the person loved and fast sex with a stranger. Qëllojani which option has become more creative? Obviously, the second option! 

Teenagers blow lips with painful methods, here's a "results"

A disturbing trend called "Kylie Jenner Challenge" is spreading in social networks, which encourages teens to blow their lips using bottles and cups.

The method is said to be painful. Teenagers put lips on the surface of the jar, glass or other items that have narrow gorge and then suck air to create vacuum in the hope that your lips swell.
This process caused blood flow to the lips, provoking their bymim.
Young people, boys and girls have distributed their results on Twitter or Instagram.
Images are disturbing and required results are achieved in one of them.
Deformation of the lips lasts for hours, but there are cases that lasts for days. Mostly they have a purple and prevents young people to speak normally.

This dog has reached nearly two million views on Youtube! (Video)

This unusual video in a unique way reflects how the animals feel that are rejected by their owners.

Filmed having sex in the Russian parliament (Video +18)

Published online view of a couple having sex in the main parliamentary building in Russia.

The couple was spotted in the windows of what is known as the White House in Moscow.
In fact the footage was made in 2013, but has emerged online. Express
Click here to watch!!!

Spent £ 17 thousand for one night at the stripteaser club! (Photo)

To all of you happened to wake up in the morning and see the bills and lack of money spent in the handbag, after a crazy night at the club. Now, headache begins the climb. However, expenditure that has made this man will make you feel a little better at your expense.

The unnamed man has spent 17 thousand GBP, or 23,287 euros per night.
Learned that the man who had been in a casino in London, spending began to wet the walls of Diamonds and Strings, with expensive champagne, reports Telegraph.
He had the best room, seven daughters and several bottles of expensive drinks.
This obviously the bill has a trigger that is inflated up to this amount. / Telegraph /

Here's what you can do with Nokia 3310 (Video)

It's time to smart phones, but besides talking and messaging, another job may also carry phone Nokia 3310, you left somewhere in the house.

Model "legendary" of Nokia, which is sold in millions of copies, is now making the rounds on the Internet, as a tool for opening beer bottles, reports Telegraph.
Nokia 3310 helps not to damage teeth no picnic, wanting to open lids of the bottles.
And, of course, that none shall go in mind, that if you take away an old tool of communication. 

Versatility stunning of 9 years old girl (Video)

Most girls her age play games with their friends children, or carry things they learn in school.

But the nine-year-old Jesse Jane Mekparland, not like her peers. She prefers to play with swords, transmits TetovaSot.
Despite her young age, Jesse is already a world champion kick-boxing and surprisingly has 117 titles in martial arts under its belt.
Her first film "Martial Arts Kid", starring at Cynthia Rotrok and Don Wilson, will appear in cinemas this year.
Now she hopes to win the show "Britain's Got Talent" in verse its successes, and impressed the judges and audience with her stunning performance.

Can you find out where is hidden the female? (Photo)

Looks like an ordinary forest, mossy, with walls of stone and leaves.But if you look closely, you will see that this picture is not all it seems.

For a beautiful view of nature actually includes a model which is carefully camouflaged with the environment, transmitting TetovaSot.
Illusion impressive is the work of German artist Joerg Duesterwald, who spent hours to paint his model so that it will merge with the forest.
Stunning set of photographs was conducted yesterday in a forest in Langenfeld, Germany.

I will laugh with tears: funny fall down (Video)

Human follies sometimes not described with words. It's enough just to look at this video and everything will be clear.

Wilderness ass has fallen this man in weight, which apparently does not understand that his weight could not think of something like this.