Sunday, April 26, 2015

These were claw muscles? Female leaves in shades male (Video)

During a football match in the US has focused a camera man showing his muscles and submitted to the big screen. But his muscles were quickly overshadowed muscle woman sitting behind him on the rostrum.

As I saw myself on the screen showing the muscles, the man was very glad its focus from the camera, transmit Telegraph.
He does best, that showed his physique developed, but something happens that is not at all expected.
The girl beside him take off your jacket and strain on the body, showing her perfect muscles.
Prhiladelphia boy from the USA, has conceded defeat in sports.

Helmets protect your head, but sometimes hurts (Video)

It would seem impressive, if properly completed this experiment. But, protective helmets left a fairly large wound in the head.

A video shows how a man wanted to show interesting counterparts, but also how ridiculous it seems, when everything fails, reports Telegraph.
Workshop in uniform, jumped into the board that he had put in the ground, in this case also jumped helmets and shot in the head.
While colleagues laugh at his game, he kept his head from the pain it caused helmets.