Thursday, April 9, 2015

Snake three meters long, shown up in the toilet: Whole neighborhood are in fear!

With the toilet door open, she saw the snake on the radiator and was not scared at all. For Hannah Brierley thought it was a plastic snake, which he has put the mother to rafters.

With the moving snake, she closed the door and started to cry out of fear.
Her mother has made photography, telephoned police who have gone home to get the giant reptile, reports Telegraph.
It is not known how it was attached to the second floor of the house serpent over three meters, which is one of the hills with pine Albin.
Residents in this part of Manchester in England, are afraid that their homes may enter any such snake.

"Alarm" in Serbia: Albanians, Croats and Bosnian are smarter then Serbs! (Paper)

Albanians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Croats, and Bosnians are more intelligent than Serbs, say in the list of average IQ, which was designed by a team of experts led by British psychologist Richard Lino.

It is in cooperation with the Finnish politician Tatu Vanhanen and Dutch psychologist Jelt Vichers have made a list of average intelligence including citizens from 113 countries, reports Telegraph.
In this list dominate Asian citizens, Serbian media write. Occupies first place Singapore, after whom come South Korea and Japan. In Singapore, the average IQ is 108, South Korea 106, while in Japan 105.
Among European countries, the intelligent population can boast Italy (102) and Iceland (101) are located to the fourth, fifth respectively.
Regarding the countries of our region, more intelligent calculated Slovenians (96), Macedonians (91), Albanians (90), same as the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Serbs, based on IQ were established as less intelligent people.

To see the complete list, click HERE

Here's how airports gain from "cents" which we forget in "checkpoints" (Photo)

According HuffingtonPost, the Transportation Security Administration of the USA has published its report for the 2014 fiscal year in which it was announced that travelers have "forgotten" about 675 thousand dollars coins, in boxes located at checkpoints at airports .

Meanwhile, BusinessInsider writes that people do not seem very interested in what can "forget" no, especially during searches at security checkpoints at airports.
Rushing to reach their destination, according to the media, passengers, during 2013, have "forgotten" about 638 thousand dollars coins, in boxes located at checkpoints, reports Telegraph.
This, according to BusinessInsider, is about 107 thousand dollars more than in 2012 and more than 150 thousand dollars in 2011.
According to this trend, estimates this medium, they are few years when Transportation Security Administration could count "entries such" in about a million dollars. / Telegraph /

Attempts suicide, saved by fire fighters (Video)

A woman threatened suicide by jumping from a building of Shanghai in China. According to police authorities she likely had problems with depression.

She was hanged after a terrace and are kept there until one of the firemen came and saved there talking with him, narrated Indeksonline.  

Funny: You can escape from beating only like this way (Video)

Not recommended for anyone to take examples of the guys who make the rafters for posts on YouTube. However, these guys succeeded: the best way to end squabbling, is undressing.

The boys were approaching some men quite aggressive and want to start the clash.
When things start to get hot, releases stimulus funny trousers and shows tiny shorts, reports Telegraph.
The atmosphere changes completely. Some leave running, the others begin to laugh. / Telegraph /

Brides dresses around the world (Photos)

If you think that traditional coating of brides around the world is white dress and veil, miss.

In some countries, such as India, Nigeria, and China, brides have their traditional dress, which differs greatly from the white dress.
Below you will get acquainted with traditional dress in red of Indian brides, which accompany it with tattoos on their hands.
Will be acquainted with the attire of a bride from Nigeria, whose marriage lasts three days, and the bride changed at least three times. For more see the photos.
1. Ghana bride wears a brightly colored fabric and geometric shapes.
2. Bride in India wears a dress in red and holding hands tattoos on her wedding day.
3. Bride in Indonesia holds a gold ornament in the head.
4. Bride in China should be vested with the color red, which symbolizes prosperity and love.
5. Bride in Mongolia adorned with pearls, and a night before the wedding the groom goes to the bride's house to make her father's gift.
6. Bride by Nigeria changed at least three times. Her wedding lasts three days.
7. Bride in Norway holds the crown, but this hardly tradition is still preserved in this state.
8. Eritrea bride wears traditional dress with white veil.
9. Bride in Tibet spins silk clothes donated by the groom and his family.

Beautiful or common? The experiment shows how women feel! (Video)

With tables where writes the "beautiful" and the other the "usual", gave women the opportunity to express how they feel.

The experiment that has carried Dove cosmetics manufacturer, has highlighted how women feel about their appearance in different countries of the world.
Statistics are not the same as the choice in Shanghai, San Francisco, London, Sao Paulo and Delhi where the experiment took place over a week, reports Telegraph.
In total, 96 percent of women have shown that they are the "common", with only four percent indicating they were "fine".
This campaign wants to encourage women to feel good when they want to make interventions that adorn their appearance to feel good as they are. / Telegraph /

The exaggerated spree ended with his face torn (Video)

In an unattended amusement park, all objects are built by hand and are not associated with any electrical device.

To move the games of the park "He PIOPPI", which was built by Bruno, should be used pedals.
In this park that is located in Italy's Dolomite, have even gone two friends who challenge themselves.
They ride on the "Wheel of Death" which is a kind of rotary hammer, reports Telegraph.
The boy known as Tom Scott, did not follow the instructions properly and put his head out of the cabin which resulted in torn pages.
To use this park toys bizarre, Scott recommends that "to follow the instructions and still be tested experience that provides the park with metal toys".

Debarking boiled egg, has never been easier (Video)

The only bad thing to boiled egg, is the removal of the bark. Parts often remain in food wrappers, bits always distributed in the table plate.

But this is coming to an end, if you try peeling method with a glass of water.
Once you have entered the egg in the cup, fill it with water and close the upper hand.
Suffice to shake for ten seconds over the sink and you will have a peeled egg properly.
Now run to the refrigerator and cook at least one widow, to try later this easy experiment.

Very few people have been able to solve this task! (Photo)

The internet is circulating a mathematical-logical task which has "provoked" the intelligence of many people.

Based on what is seen, it is said that you need three boxes to "fill in" the numbers below, in order to earn the amount 30.
Perhaps there could have the solution, but at least you can try.

The car won thanks to the emission assistant mistake (Video)

Manuela Arbelez assistant Quiz "Price is Right", accidentally discovered the correct answer competitor. It was "discomfort" many of the error made while the leader of the show was laughing like crazy.

Manuela seemed terrified of the error and, despite that the leader had said that everything is OK and that the competitor had won the car, reports Telegraph.
After the show, she explained how he had lost the train of thought showing the correct answer - which show had cost no less than 22 thousand dollars.

When the muscles doesn't work: You can see how the Bodybuilder is bleeding! (Video)

In a recent video published on YouTube, shows a fierce clash between a bodybuilder and a man with a normal body.

Surely you did not think that this Bodybuilder will bleed in the same way, but it also happens here.
Look up at the end video and you will see that there are cases when muscles do not you go to work.