Sunday, April 12, 2015

The fossil of the "bird terrorizing" reveals how voice sounded ancient bird (Photo / Video)

Studies of fossil skeleton of carnivorous predator who terrorized the Earth 3.5 million years ago, are helping to discover how these creatures sounded.

Paleontologists have said that this is a unique case and complete a "bird terrorizing" that has been long up to a meter and a half, but could not fly.
South American bird is named Llallawavis scagliai - which means Magnificent Bird of Scaglias - according discoverer prominent Argentine Juan SCAGLIA Galileo.
So well has been preserved skeleton, as scientists have failed to study audio system and his trachea, reports Telegraph.
In the Journal of Vertebral Paleontology, shows how this bird had a deep voice, on the basis of the shape of the throat and beak size.
According to the findings, it appears that despite the terrible appearance, he had a hearing impaired compared to birds living today.
The skeleton of a bird that is found on a cliff in 2010, is helping to better study this species disappeared from Earth in the Mesozoic time.

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