Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Look closely this photo: Appears "ghost girl" wrecked 100 years ago (Photo)

Kim Davison published a photo in which she and another woman had made during their vacation in Lockyer Valley, Australia, during which they had a surprise guest.

Davison and Jessie Lu, two women in the picture, were photographed while swimming with three children - and later in the photograph had been shown the fourth child, reports Telegraph.
According to foreign media, which cited Davison, she stated: "At the time we were doing the photo there was nothing between us. I'm keeping my younger daughter and white head near me is not human - can be pledged for this. His fingers are placed on my shoulders and my daughter's arm.They are long skeletal fingers ".
They were shocked when they realized that a girl of 13 years, Doreen O'Sullivan, was drowned while swimming in 1915, which the news was published by the "Brisbane Courier" on 22 November 1915.
As a result, they believe that the fourth child in the picture, was the "soul" of Doreen O'Sullivan, an opinion which is supported by a community group on Facebook.
However, others have expressed doubts, saying "ghost face" can be view by a splash of water or light effect.

Buy house, get wife "free": What do you think of this offer? (Video)

What would you say if through an advertisement offered a house and a woman for only 76 thousand euros?

Precisely this men 'single' Lia has offered Wina Jakarta.
For all singles this is a golden opportunity because supply is more than reasonable.
House with two bedrooms in Indonesia, known as the center of Javanese art and culture plus woman for only 76 thousand euros can be just yours, reports Telegraph.
Wina not joke with the publication of this advertisement, because it believes that this procedure is completely legal.
This offer antique house in Sleman and bride, 40-year-old has published in all local media.
She originally wanted to sell only the house, but since 2000 a widow, and for this requested that offer make it interesting.
In fact, this idea of ​​"genius" gave an agent selling real estate, which suggested that at the same time can find a husband, but her client's house. 

Dog proves for the first time the lemon - then begin his strange behavior (Video)

Have you ever wondered what might happen to a dog if you give a lemon? And if you could not find the answer, here it is.

However, experts say that lemon can be poisonous animals. Also, if the cat and the dog consuming lemon, may have diarrhea and vomiting.

This is the smallest sculptures in the world (Video)

Enough, just a touch of the finger and the sculpture was "ruined" instantly.

The works of artist Jonty Hurwitz, are so small that they can be placed in the blade of a human hair.
The artist has spent months in the works, which had to be shot with the lens of a microscope.
Unwanted, files touched the eye of the needle where it was placed sculptures and has destroyed the paper, reports Telegraph.
"When I approached to look, I saw signs of finger and no residue of sculptures," explained 45-year-old, that these sculptures of works by 3D technology.
Sussex artist from London, is working on an innovative method called "Lithography Multiphotons" working sculptures that are smaller than the ant's head. / Telegraph /