As spoken by men and the women run the opposite, it matters little: there are some things that should not ever, otherwise ... goodbye share love and be together!
That which we address in this article, there is nothing to do with banal quarrels between lovers. In this case we are talking about genuine humiliations of true among those who have decided to share their lives together! But what are the most insidious, that over time, quadruplicated?
"You're so bad / evil!""Little good" is obviously a euphemism to indicate those insulting sexist background, especially men say that quite easily when you do not know what they actually weight.
"It silly / stupid"
Used as male or female, this offense is meant to denigrate another on intelligence (secretly), especially if repeated over time. And moreover if this part is a weak point of the other.
"Cursed be thy mother"
It makes no difference whether the offense is directed to the mother or the family, it is totally dirty. It means that from your respect private and general particle there is none left.
"You're a loser / loser"
Making predictions about the future of a person "loved" is never pleasant, especially when expectations are not productive! The problem becomes even greater if the offense is repeated, because the more time passes, the more it is believed or not right.
"I can not do nothing"
This is typical of male critics to accuse their wives are unable as mothers, wives and as "caregivers". Of course the genius of this critical leads several times at the end of a relationship; It becomes simply a matter of time.
"You are one"
is the worst insult possible relationship that leads to destruction. This offense, led wife or husband, and landed him in the lowest stage, as an item without a soul and identity.

Remember belief in the value of the partner / partner
Back any abusive language is a valuable person. It is known that it is hard to believe when you are hurt by offensive words, but it is true. Partner or your partner is a person extremely / precious. Certainly, the behavior of his / her abusive saddens your heart. But their abusive behavior does not diminish their value. If you can focus more of their value than abuse, maybe you can change the behavior of the partner / partner. A woman may say, "I thought about us. I remember the days when we were in love with each other. I remember touching and loving words, smile and entertainment we had then. I guess that's why I still have faith in you. I know the good qualities you have inside you. Sometimes I lose this vision, when your words hurt me, but I know what kind of person you really and I trust in you. " Here, in this way the woman is donating what we all need: someone to trust us. And this is a potentially powerful motivation for positive change in the behavior of the partner.
One positive step
you can not help abusive partner, making as if the words of his / her hurtful not affect you at all. Tell your feelings. The person who makes this very likely need help and maybe partner will join. If you live with an abusive partner, you need a removal plan (displacement) and need to share it with your partner. Warn partner, quietly, that if he / she will speak out, you do not intend to listen to it, but will leave in the next room. A woman must do this several times until the man begin to adhere.
"You can not do anything" - This is typical of male critics to accuse their wives are unable as mothers, wives and as "caregivers". Of course this statement several times critical of the relationship leads to end
Making predictions about the future of a person "loved" is never pleasant, especially when expectations are not productive!