Monday, April 20, 2015

There are some signs that indicate that it is not the right man for you

There are some signs that indicate that it is not the right man for you.

A man can not ever be a beloved ideal, if not the estimates. Nobody is perfect and it is indisputable, but in some cases, every woman should know to let the so is the best way, because it can not be your next partner.
The physical features often criticizes: "It is better not to eat too much to lose some kilos", "Why not go to the gym?" "These clothes would be better off if ..." etc.
There is no desire to do anything. He does not ever initiatives type: exit at the weekend, attending concerts etc. Let everything in your hand and if you leave, he leaves. These people are those who monotony has "swallowed up" and do nothing to change it.
When it with you, seeing other women. Usually, in public places he sees other women entering and leaving and compares you with them. In any case, they may say: "The pleasant it, why do not you also dressing so?
It is an imposing man with many negative energy. It seems that everything you see with pessimism and dark. This type, always injects a kind of negative energy. In any case, is willing to derail your plans, just to show superiority.
Do not let go with friends. These are those kind of men who think that any output where it does not belong, is the possibility of betrayal. Should make an end, does not change opinion!
Is violent: This is a very big risk to threatened. With such men can not ever have a healthy relationship, writes class magazine. In many cases, these guys can justify himself with a reaction of the moment, which will not be repeated, but not provokes! Cease!

Situations that freeze the blood - miracle how they survived! (Video)

Imagine - you are driving a car and suddenly before you roll the truck, which without control slips toward you, and you have no where to go.

Surely you were shocked, and simply will raise blood in your veins and be left stunned.
In such situations these people have suffered. Where a summary of accidents, can hardly believe that these terrible images have passed without injury.
For these person seen in the video summary should celebrate this day, then for them it is a rebirth.

What the world-famous writers say about death?

What has shaken the very first man and everyone else in the world, death, comes explained by the conception of the world's most famous writers, from where it can be comforted or begin to think further.

Mark Twain: "I do not fear death. I've been dead for billions and billions of years before the birth and have not suffered the slightest difficulty or her. "
Albert Camus: "Since all going to die, it is unclear when and how it does not matter".
Arthur Miller: "Maybe all I can do is hope that someone end up with proper repentance".
Jack Kerouac: "I realized that I had died and was resurrected endlessly, but I do not remember, because the transitions from life to death and back to life are very light, like a magic act, how to fall asleep and wake up a million times. Every moment that I thought I would die I realized that I had not died ".
John Steinbeck: "It seems to me that if you or I would have to choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember the death and try to live that our death not bring pleasure world".
Tennessee Williams: "Death happens very quickly - almost before half acquainted with life - we meet another".
Leo Tolstoy: "A man can be anything as long as there is fear of death. But to what does not intimidate far. If there would be no suffering, man would not know his limits, would not recognize myself ".
Anne Frank: "Despite everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. Simply can not raises hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, mystery and death ".
William Shakespeare: "cowards die many times before they die; bravest of experiencing death only once ".
Anton Chekhov: "I despise wisdom and blessings of this world. It's all worthless, lightning, deceptive, as a mirage. You can be proud, smart and good, and death will wipe you from the earth as if it were no more than a mouse under the floor ".
William Faulkner: "I can remember only as father said, that the reason for life was preparing to stay dead for long".
Charlotte Bronte: "I feel monotony and death are the same".
Haruki Murakami: "Death is not the opposite of life, but part of it".
M. Forster: "Death destroys a man, the idea of death saves him."
Edgar Allan Poe: "The boundaries which divide life from death are dark and vague. Who can say where one ends and where the other begins? ".
Boris Pasternak: "What is the story? Its beginning is committed systematic secular work to solve the puzzle of death, that this can be overcome. This is why people make the symphony and why they discover mathematical infinity and magnetic waves ".
Gore Vidal: "The idea of ​​a good society is something where you do not need a religion or eternal punishment for support; you need a religion if you're terrified of death ".
Cormac McCarthy: "How safe are dead after death. A condition where the dead do not remember and do not come anything in mind ".
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "I discovered to my delight that is life, not death, what has no limits".
Lewis Carroll: "The safest rule is that we should not dare to live in a situation where it will not dare to die. But the object of life is not pleasure, knowledge, nor fame, but character development, construction and building the ideal man to a higher standard and clean, so as long as we believe that this is happening, death will not give us dread, not an end, but a beginning. "
George Orwell: "A normal person does not require the Kingdom of Heaven, it requires the continuation of life on earth. This not only that he is weak, sinful and requires a lovely time. Most people enjoy somewhat from their lives, but on balance life is suffering and only children or very old people think differently. Human behavior will to continue the struggle for life and death actually is a price for living ".
"If you were to ask someone who has received the death penalty, will answer that would be willing to live anywhere in the world, but only to live", said Dostoevsky.
"Everybody wants to be leading in the future of the world, and death, and the peace that it brings are the only thing that we have all shared for the future", said Nietzsche.
Haruki Murakami says that death is not the opposite of life, but part of it, to not be afraid to instant death.

Bizarre accident in London (Video)

An accident which involved four vehicles happened today in London, respectively, before the Court of Tottenham.

A type vehicle "Mercedes" slammed by two buses, remaining as sandwich between them. In fact, it was an "Audi" he who caused the accident, but the picture is not fixed.
"Audi" reined in place without signaling, and this caused the bus to crash immediately behind it.
At the same moment, "Mercedes" bus slammed from behind, and was hit by another bus.
Fortunately there were no injuries. But as seen from the photos, he has more pain at the moment is the leader of the "Mercedes".

Was driving 110 km / h: You can not believe what was on the car ?! (Video)

Camera mounted on a police car has registered a police raid in which four rescued dogs placed in a cage on a car-van on a highway in Ohio.

Police had started the action after being warned by many citizens who had observed "phenomenon" in question, reports Telegraph.
As foreign media write, although the "oppressed", fortunately none of the dogs was not hurt.
Six-member family vehicle was moving at a speed of about 110 miles per hour, when they were caught by the police. They had taken a long road about 480 kilometers.
"I asked why the dogs were inside the car, and he told me that he had more important things to put in the car, thinking of his children, and that there was no room," said Sergeant Chris Beitz.

Having sex too noisy: Here's what happened!

No less than 12 thousand euros: this is the figure that a 34-year-old entrepreneur has to pay for harassment and harassment against his neighbors.

Yes, because every night, at his residence in San Martino (Pavia), the family lived on the same floor with her husband could not sleep because of lust coming from his room sleeping.
With then-wife, 34-year-old having sex too noisy, so that neighbors sued./

12 ways to become more attractive and seductive attractive in the eyes of partner

We all have a common desire: to be more attractive. But the reason why we want to be attractive changes. What is yours? Well, it is not necessary to say! To highlight the attractive side, keep in mind these tips and will be surprised how much work!

Keep the smile on his face. When you smile, you appear more friendly and approachable. People find it easy to agree with you. Remember how you feel, smile!
Caution facial hair!
It is important to look for facial hair. Men should regularly baldness. If you want to keep your chin, you should keep regular. Women should regularly eyebrow lift.
Keep beautiful hair
Hair are your crown. Take care! A beautiful view is the first step to attract someone. Hosted hair regularly because it is important to be healthy. Keep clean and tidy. It is really important for an attractive appearance.
Wear clothes that fit well you
dress really matters. People like those who are well dressed. So pay attention to the wardrobe. Choose clothes that you fit well in the body.Larger outfits or very close to make you look weird.
Look people in the eye
eye contact is important when talking to a person. If you keep eye contact, people will feel important and happy. Some were dismayed to see eye to eye. This is not a big problem. Start with the people closest. Look in the eye when you talk to them. Then try it with strangers.
Walk confidently
Be confident when you walk. You know how move? Relaxed body and head up will make you look self-confident. If you look confident, will look more attractive, because confidence is part of it.
Keep fragrance
Nobody likes people who come unpleasant odor. All the steps to be attractive would come down if you leave a bad odor. So carefully. Take a shower every day and use deodorant regularly. Wash your teeth regularly.You can use medications to remove heavy breath.
you worry all the time what other people think about you? If so, should try to remove this bad habit. Have courage were opened with others.Communicate with them and do not be serious. Nervousness disliked. So Appear confident and calm in front of people.
Laugh and make others laugh
is an expression, "laughter is medicine". When you laugh, people close to you feel good and are more likely to feel happy with you. The laughter will make you more attractive. Most importantly, if you make people laugh, I'll make her happy. And will be treated with the same emotions.
Body language
Body language is important. If body language look busy, people will avoid, writes revistaclass. They will think you do not want to bother, but if manifested easy and quiet, people will feel comfortable to approach you.
Ask questions
not only speak for myself all the time. While talking with others, ask questions, but not for inappropriate things. When I ask, people think that you are interested to know and will feel more important.
Wear light colored clothing
Wear clothes with colors. Take care to avoid some colors that are not appropriate for the place where you go. Usually, bright colors attract people. Also you will look much more confident.

Three things that reveal what a man is in sex

The manner in which he speaks, eats or touches you, all these are various methods which may reveal whether a man can satisfy you in bed.

It would not be so perfect when watching could know how any man would be on the bed? And yes, even if this thing can dedicate some time and study its features daily, reports Telegraph.
How eating
your boyfriend eats a meal as quickly as tomorrow to not exist, or eat slowly? If you eat quickly and less munch, requires quick pleasure, whereas such is in bed. Rapidly solve things. When someone chooses much for food, according to the rule, means that there will want to experiment more in sex.
As talks
fast way of speaking approximately affects if the person who walks in an uncontrolled way. For such men just can not think that you will get better in bed with coordination and rhythm are important. Whereas, if it comes to the person who utters and distracted while talking, this is the sign that a man has a problem with premature ejaculation.
As you touch
Try to touch gently on hands and knees and wait for it to return the same or similar manner. If a man starts more quickly and more often you touch it, it is a bad sign. This touch often means that little is selfish, who wants to be the key word and that will not respect your wishes in bed.

Eight promises that every woman should give yourself

The secret of happiness is not found in external things, but the perception that you have for them. To achieve the best and to have as much success as female, follow the advice below for promises to be kept.

Love for yourself is' the key to feeling good about what you do and the life, "Bertolucci writes in her book on the new" Pact of kindness ". To remember and continue to be kind to yourself must make and keep promises eight basis, each of them designed to leave you with uncertainties and to give you courage.
Admit your mistakes
perfection is something that does not exist. Many people know this and continue to torture yourself and eroding the confidence to pursue perfection. When you receive your weak points, you know the strengths.Should you promise yourself that you will accept yourself as is and without perfection. If you do, you will feel much better and will have easier to fill your life.
Once you have freed yourself from the burden of perfection will be free to see your positive qualities.
Make your best ever
swear to yourself that you will do your best and this is more than enough. If set impossible goals, then you will not have a chance to get what you intend. To not bring themselves yourself to failure, be realistic and give your maximum strength of the things that you can check.
When you believe that your best is not enough, you can receive a bad day or common, without feeling bad.
Quite compared himself
swear to yourself that you do not see why better or worse than others.Whenever you compare yourself with friends, neighbors, relatives, celebrities, you lose an original piece of yours and start to imitate. When not compare himself with others, the only person who should impress is its own.
Believe in your potential
concern Not only is a great loss of energy, but also sends a clear message to your conscience to the expectations you have in life. Rather than worry about things that may never happen, believe in your potential and focus the entire power to achieve what you want in reality.
Do not listen to domestic criticism
Think of yourself as a guard your self-confidence. The way you talk to yourself is a huge burden in how you will feel about yourself; if tough talk about themselves and critical voice, then you will begin to feel uncomfortable for the person that you are. But if you do not listen to critical voices within yourself will earn much more than to heed. Changing the way we think, may seem somewhat unusual but will reward you more.
Challenge yourself
belief and confidence are like muscles need to train as much if you want to become stronger. One of the best ways to build these muscles is out of the comfort zone. When you challenge yourself, you can do extraordinary things that you may not have gone to mind. Regardless of how you feel when you do something new, you will feel more comfortable when you have completed it.
Enough with the excuses
Despite how it may seem from afar, nobody is living the ideal life. What some do better than others is that they live the best life they can. If you do not live in the utmost need to understand the causes that are hindering you and the reasons why you were let happen. Once the stop made ​​excuses and begin to take responsibility, will be able to enjoy things and live a more satisfying life.
You must love yourself
If you want to feel good about the person you are and the life you have, then you must build trust in ourselves, writes English. Love yourself, treat your best and do not miss you love and respect, as in itself're close friend, more understanding and more humane. Are the most important man in your life, do not forget this!

Small secrets of women who have had orgasm every time they have sex

Have you ever wondered if women who speak that always experience orgasm during sexual intercourse, did you actually experience it or just say so?

If so, now you should be certain that they always experience orgasm, but there are habits which were contained, reports Telegraph. Read further in this text.
- Regularly masturbate - automatically learn his body well and know what fits and what does not and which countries in their body are more sensitive. In that way they shape the men how to do better work.
- Most women must have the clitoris stimulation, in order to experience the peak of satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to allow yourself to stimulate clitoris.
- When it comes to play should not rush. It is very important that just before the sexual act itself well and excited relax enough so easy to experience
- These women always speak what fits. Therefore, you should start chatting during sex, so that your partner knows what to do and how you lead up to the peak of satisfaction.
- And, finally, these women not only think about how it is necessary to achieve orgasm. They completely surrender and enjoy sex.

Wrapped in hospital becaus for many hours played Candy Crush

Candy Crush has become the most popular game on mobile smartphone, drawing the attention of thousands of people.

Even a person in California, has paid a price for that passion for this game.
29-year-old Californian ended up in hospital with torn tendon of the finger, after playing a long time, "Candy Crush Saga '.
When he arrived at the hospital, doctors could not believe that the thumb tendon was completely broken, because the boy had played long hours without realizing the damage.
According to doctors who visited the damage was caused by the use of smartphone phone all day, in the last 7-8 weeks, an effort that may cause damage to any human being.
Now the 29- year-old will undergo surgery to turn his hand as before.

Rare fish that float vertically and eat itself has been found on the seashore (Photo)

Fish living in depth and has not been seen for a long time man was found dead on the seashore.

It is not known what has driven this fish habitat during his leave and come into shallow waters.
The cause of his body petak, what have compared the oars of the boat and called "false fish".
This rare species float vertically and eats its own tail, reports Telegraph.
This finding is made in Otago Harbour New Zealand, will help scientists understand why this trend has vetamputuese.
For fish that grows up to eleven meters, are numerous legends told by associating with creatures that are influenced by the devil. 

Many time tried but finally this woman parked her car in Pristina (Video)

There is a stereotype that women are not noted for driving skills.Does this also proves this video made in Pristina.

Video that will see below Jumbo Heydari made in "Bill Clinton" in Pristina, to the housing complex parking lot known as Dardania.

The treasure on the ocean floor has been found

The company Deep Ocean Search as British ship off City area from Cairo from a depth of 5150 meters, found a treasure, which capture the 50 million dollar figures.

The vessel was in the middle of the coast of Namibia (2000 meters deeper than in the land of the sinking of the Titanic). The ship, which was sunk during World War II, carrying iron, but what is most important was a chest of silver coins.
The company Deep Ocean Search, which gathers French and British experts for offshore gave all of himself to find the treasure. It has built a unique sonar that can explore the ocean depths to 6000 meters depth.
Under British law, "treasure hunters can keep valuables found in the case of a Royal Navy ship".

He made the photos of the girl on the coast, and then he saw something scary! (Photo)

After a walk, the father decided to make photos of the girl of five years, but when he came home saw something scary.

The father, who had gone with his family in Japan, had made some photos of the girl from the same location, but only one file notes terrific detail, reports Telegraph.
Are these the feet of a spectral, a stealth someone stayed there the father not noticed, or is a stone with strange shape, this estimate a you.

This is the satanic calendar: the most morbid things that you have not read before!

Do you believe that under the guise of secret Satanists lead our lives? There are conspiracy theories that say that they are on top of the world's most powerful institutions, and whether this is true or not, judge for yourself.

The following is a list of rituals, which supposedly performed on certain days at certain locations, across Europe and in the United States, reports Telegraph.
In these rituals reportedly included some aristocratic families, powerful politicians and businessmen. As guests and observers attended by media people and showbizit, while some of them also participate in such rituals.
January 1: Celebrating the Day of Druidit - great holiday, fire sacrifice, sacrifice a female or male aged 15-33 years!
January 5: Night of celebration makers - sacrificed children!
Jan. 6: Satanizimi - Initiation, Baptism, sacrificing a higher level - sacrificed a child!
January 7: Day of St. Vinebaldas, blood ritual - a male or animal sacrifice, resting in several pieces. Raped a male aged 7-17 years.
January 17: Joy of Satan - the ritual sexual victimization of a woman aged 7-17 years, rape, oral, anal and vaginal.
January 18 to 21: abstinence old (Epiphany).
January 20 to 27: Kidnapping victim and ceremonial preparation for Mass with candles - means rape oral, anal, vaginal women aged 7-17 years.
January 29: Night of the sacred Agnes - use magic rituals to make magic a person.
1 to 3 February: Mysteries of Persephones - sexual rituals (according mythology Persephone was forced to live half the year in the underworld).
February 2: Festival Shabbat - many sexual ritual, the high levels, vaginal sex with a woman to be pregnant, but that should not be sacrificed, ritual blood sacrifice of a child in the fire.
February 14: Valentine's Day - ritual blood sacrifice of a child.
Feb. 15: Lupercalia - changing shapes (conversion) in werewolf, purification ceremonies, sexual intercourse with a man-wolf.
February 21 to 22: Teninalia - celebrating associated with Ovidi.
Feb. 25: Blood Ritual, bleeding and distribution of victims of undetermined age.
March 1: Ritual blood - drink human blood for power, called and worshiped various demons, sacrificed a male or female of any age.
March 9: Festival Astartes - sexual rituals, a woman aged 13 years should get pregnant.
March 15 to 17: Aides - rituals of death and rebirth, victimized a male or female.
March 16: Day Montsegurit - relates to a tree and burned a victim, male or female.
March 20 to 22: Dates vary - fertility rituals, orgies, oral, anal, vaginal, raped a male or female of any age, and also performed sex with animals
March 24: The ritual of the bride of Satan, Satan New Day - wedding improvisation Satan, sexual terrorizing a woman.
19-26. April - kidnappings, ceremonial preparation and holding of the victims.
April 24: Night of St. Mark - worship and the use of plants.
April 30: Night of Beltenit - sacrifice of a male or female of any age through burning, female rituals Illuminati hierarchy, which must remain pregnant.
May 1: Festival Druidit - fire and conceive of a female Iluminatëve hierarchy.
12 June: sexual rituals - victimized an animal or female of any age.
June 21: Vacation Solstice - mass activities sexual victimization of an animal or man of any age, oral sex, anal and vaginal rape.
June 23: Festival of Fire - celebrates the great spiritual power.
June 24: Day of St. John - festival of fire.
July 1: Pleasure demonic - the Druidit sex with demons.
July 20 to 26: Abductions, ceremonial preparation and holding of a woman to be sacrificed in a ritual.
July 22: Day of Maria Magdalenas - sexual rituals, burned a woman.
July 27: Klimaks great - rape, oral, anal and vaginal female, and in the end, victimization.
August 1: Day Lamas, called Lugnasadh - victimization of an animal, male or female of any age.
August 3: Satisfy Satan - rape, oral, anal, vaginal to a woman aged 7-17 years.
August 24: Day of St. Bartholomew - the festival of fire and sleeping with demons.
September 6: Wedding with Satan - sexual ritual, sacrifice of a female aged 2-21 years and its mutilation.
Sept. 7: religious celebration - the same happens as the day before.
September 20 to 21: Feast at Midnight - dismemberment of a female under 21 years old.
September 18 to 22: Rape oral, anal and vaginal female.
Sept. 23: The Mystery Ulysses - ritual associated with the success that has been achieved.
Sept. 29: Festival of St. Michael.
October 2: The Mystery of Ulysses, initiation.
4 October: St. Francis Day Asisisa - animal sacrifice.
Oct. 5: Opening of the sky - a spiritual ritual.
Oct. 13: holy Templar - dressing in black and red.
October 13 to 30: Preparation for the evening ritual of kidnapping, detention and ceremonial preparation of men and women.
Oct. 29: sexual torture and sacrifice of other victims.
Oct. 30: Calling for sacrifice to demons, men, women or animals, also sexual ritual.
Oct. 31: Return to the Land of the Dead, sexual and blood ritual with a male, female and animals, black magic.
1 November: All Saints Day - torture, human sacrifice of a male or female of any age.
November 2, All Souls Day, joining the blood of animals and humans.
Nov. 4: Joy of Satan - sexual rituals, rape, oral, anal and vaginal with a female 7-17 years.
Nov. 5: Ritual Fire.
November 7: The rebirth of Osiris.
20 November: All Saints Day, rituals that simulate death.
Dec. 6 (redesign for December 19 Orthodox calendar): St. Nicholas Day - Gang rape of children, men and women aged 2-13 years,
December 13: Day of St. Lucia or Lucifer.
December 18: Day of St. Thomas - fire ritual.
18 to 22 December: Winter Solstice (date varies) - Fire, orgies, all kinds of rape (male or female) with animals.
December 24: The joy of demon - male babies sacrificed, tortured men or women.
December 25: Christmas - Blood Ritual, baby male torn and distributed as a gift for Christmas.
Dec. 31: Blood Rituals - presented allegiance some certain families.

An Albanian girl offers sex for a fee, she publishes the details

An Albanian girl is involved in Greek network sex free, offering her body to men who want to extinguish desires with women who do not know.

The girl is 20 years old, named Mikaela, or at least that is the name that it has published and lives in Greece. Mikaela has published pictures of her.
Albanian girl who appears to be censored overlooking the eyes to be identified broadly, through a notification, invites all men who are interested that would be found in Thessaloniki 17 April 2015, and to date 16 May 2015.
"Want something moist, cool to to rejuvenate? I Mikaela, I am Albanian, and I come with you wherever you happen to Thessaloniki, to go along remarkably, to call me and our journey begins ".
This text has distributed Albanian girls in the VIP area of ​​the publications of various women available for sex, and publish details of the exact dates when it will be found in Thessaloniki for sexual hour trips.