What has shaken the very first man and everyone else in the world, death, comes explained by the conception of the world's most famous writers, from where it can be comforted or begin to think further.

Albert Camus: "Since all going to die, it is unclear when and how it does not matter".
Arthur Miller: "Maybe all I can do is hope that someone end up with proper repentance".
Jack Kerouac: "I realized that I had died and was resurrected endlessly, but I do not remember, because the transitions from life to death and back to life are very light, like a magic act, how to fall asleep and wake up a million times. Every moment that I thought I would die I realized that I had not died ".
John Steinbeck: "It seems to me that if you or I would have to choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember the death and try to live that our death not bring pleasure world".
Tennessee Williams: "Death happens very quickly - almost before half acquainted with life - we meet another".
Leo Tolstoy: "A man can be anything as long as there is fear of death. But to what does not intimidate far. If there would be no suffering, man would not know his limits, would not recognize myself ".
Anne Frank: "Despite everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. Simply can not raises hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, mystery and death ".
William Shakespeare: "cowards die many times before they die; bravest of experiencing death only once ".
Anton Chekhov: "I despise wisdom and blessings of this world. It's all worthless, lightning, deceptive, as a mirage. You can be proud, smart and good, and death will wipe you from the earth as if it were no more than a mouse under the floor ".
William Faulkner: "I can remember only as father said, that the reason for life was preparing to stay dead for long".
Charlotte Bronte: "I feel monotony and death are the same".
Haruki Murakami: "Death is not the opposite of life, but part of it".
M. Forster: "Death destroys a man, the idea of death saves him."
Edgar Allan Poe: "The boundaries which divide life from death are dark and vague. Who can say where one ends and where the other begins? ".
Edgar Allan Poe: "The boundaries which divide life from death are dark and vague. Who can say where one ends and where the other begins? ".
Boris Pasternak: "What is the story? Its beginning is committed systematic secular work to solve the puzzle of death, that this can be overcome. This is why people make the symphony and why they discover mathematical infinity and magnetic waves ".
Gore Vidal: "The idea of a good society is something where you do not need a religion or eternal punishment for support; you need a religion if you're terrified of death ".
Cormac McCarthy: "How safe are dead after death. A condition where the dead do not remember and do not come anything in mind ".
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "I discovered to my delight that is life, not death, what has no limits".
Lewis Carroll: "The safest rule is that we should not dare to live in a situation where it will not dare to die. But the object of life is not pleasure, knowledge, nor fame, but character development, construction and building the ideal man to a higher standard and clean, so as long as we believe that this is happening, death will not give us dread, not an end, but a beginning. "
George Orwell: "A normal person does not require the Kingdom of Heaven, it requires the continuation of life on earth. This not only that he is weak, sinful and requires a lovely time. Most people enjoy somewhat from their lives, but on balance life is suffering and only children or very old people think differently. Human behavior will to continue the struggle for life and death actually is a price for living ".
"If you were to ask someone who has received the death penalty, will answer that would be willing to live anywhere in the world, but only to live", said Dostoevsky.
"Everybody wants to be leading in the future of the world, and death, and the peace that it brings are the only thing that we have all shared for the future", said Nietzsche.
Haruki Murakami says that death is not the opposite of life, but part of it, to not be afraid to instant death.
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