The newest trend among celebrities is becoming the story of the vagina. Until recently, Playboy decorated mainly known personalities rear ends, but over time that trend is changing.

We already learned that
Kim Kardashian photographed naked and show their behinds with a proud, that again this year has made the magazine "Love", but this time from a different perspective. Now has shown its vagina.Do you even have her vagina success and number kryetitujsh as her buttocks? This will tell the time, reports Telegraph.
Gwyneth Paltrow on his blog spa treatment of her vagina. Although gynecologists do not agree with its proposal, the fact that the treatment which exposed vagina water vapor from a long time ago there and that women with more desire of practice.
Hoping to raise awareness on protection from unwanted pregnancy, Alison Turkos , abortion counselor, has published its Twiterin shooting of a coil.
Khloe Kardashian which knows no boundaries when it comes to sharing her intimacy with others, while this also was the case when its profile in Instagram has published his name vagina. He has called Camel.
Holistic coach sex, Kim Anami , has launched to strengthen the vaginal muscles. Indeed, such is the course which lasts 8 weeks and consists of weight lifting, meditation and lectures from anatomy.
Yes you what you think about this new trend?