Saturday, April 25, 2015

Are they crazy photographers? (Photos)

These crazy photographers have done everything their photos to be more beautiful, especially when it comes to making a perfect photo.

Photos published below will show what sacrifice have made photographers to take a picture.  

Be careful when you are playing with baby, it may also occur (Video)

A video circulating on the Internet can serve as a lesson to all those who wish to enjoy taking up the baby to play.

Fairbanks Lohan raised the baby up and down while he lay there and sang smiling. And small Peytoni, responded by vomiting in the mouth, reports Telegraph.
Unfortunately, Lohan had his mouth open and all measures that brought out the baby entered him in the mouth.

Every men would like to sleep with her, but I would not becaus ...! (Video + 18)

Never should only be judged by what you see from behind. This video is a testimony to this.

In a hidden camera, that probably every male would have fallen victim to this lovely.
Until the moment when she reveals her secret to "distasteful".

Why should not kiss poisonous snake (Photo)

With all the love for the animal world, enough care and a caress.However, never hug. Especially when it comes to any such poisonous.

Austin Hatfield had bought a poisonous snake, which was held in wrapping the pillow for a few days.
18-year-old boy had been advised to keep temporarily closed serpent, not all the time.
With the draw reptile, he wanted to make a selfie with.
The teenager from Florida USA, lying stayed for two weeks in the hospital, his face deformed by swelling and blood circulation problems. 

This is what our grandparents used marijuana !?

Marijuana use is manifold. Moreover, its use varies among different periods. While marijuana today in many countries it is forbidden, she once had great use.

Thus, cannabis or marijuana (hemp) began to be cultivated before 10 thousand years. It is used as a fiber to make rope and cloth, is used as food. Especially seeds were used to extract fuel from them. Then, hemp fabric is excellent quality of so and hemp paper.
Our grandparents tell multiple stories about previous use of marijuana.They say that the work until late in the evening, so that when the good smell of marijuana scarcely dry before the vinteĆ« asleep. Even our grandparents say that marijuana gave thrust to the children and sleep, without knowing its effect.

The forced to change clothes, and then imitate each other during sexual intercourse (Video)

Ordinary couples, who are connected in different periods of time, being asked to change clothes.

They seem very weird outfits partners, because they have problems clothing size.
Participants living in New York, was looking to emulate their girlfriends during sexual intercourse, reports Telegraph.
In the video that has carried Complex, you can see how they imitate each other, while you perform intimate relationships. 

He showed the middle finger and the monkey knockout him! (Video)

Monkeys from Shimla, located in the northern part of India, have terrific reputation. This video proves it.

Should not excited these monkey, a tourist after being stretched taught extensively in the ground.
Thinking that it would not do anything bad, teenager raised his middle finger monkey.
At the moment the animal was "offended" and he fell under the feet of the bottom, reports Telegraph.
Although the boy remained trembling from fear, locals are not surprised at all, because these monkeys are very dangerous and whether busy attacking watching.