Wednesday, March 18, 2015

No one believed her: She did a virginity test - live on a TV (Video)

A 27-year-old girl from England, in a live program of Jeremy Kyle has become a test to prove he is a virgin

Shona Knight has made the move to show everyone that she does not intend to make premarital sex, writes "The Mirror".
The girl who was betrothed at age 17 and then has broken engagement, has become the cause of conversations that she might have committed sexual relationship with former fiancé.
"I gave the engagement end as there was about. I believe that marriage is the most important thing and that I should keep virginity until I get married, "she said.
But, as people have begun to charge that it can not be a virgin, the daughter has dared to stand in front of everyone with a virgjeriniteti test broadcasts Telegraph.
Invited along with her mother on the Jeremy Kyle show, girls virginity confirmed the moderator has read the result, saying that she did not lie, as 27-year-old was really a virgin.
"If you will not do this publicly, I do not have a good family and my life would be all doubts," said Shona.
According to her, if all this was not detected, it would have a very hard to find a good man to create a family tradition. / Telegraph / 

Forget dress: What color are these edge (Photo)

If you thought that those dresses, or he wrapper, quajini as you want, you become confusing, try to view these files, which are doing the rounds on Twitter and are trouble the minds of people.

Two identical photos that are corrupt people for true color.
They are two identical images, which show painted nails manicure, near the mouth of a woman. However, they appear in completely different colors, one in purple and one pink.
The only difference between the pictures is that one is put in front of a black background (purple color picture), while the other (photo pink) is located in front of a white background, reports Telegraph.
In the original picture (see below), lips and nails are the pixel, where some of them appear as shades of purple, while others look pink.
These pixels have a meaning, as writes "Daily Mail". That means that the image is the first half-half, so it can adapt to different colors when they appear then in Photoshop.
This is why we see a pair of pink lips and nails on a white background on Twitter, but when you click on the image to reveal a second photo, you see a black background behind the nails and lips are cherry color.

New study: Men who look at porn, have better sex life

If you do not have much reason to watch porn movies, here, according to a new survey indicates that more men to watch pornographic movies have better sex life. So refuted the news that pornography removes common man's sexual life.

The group of researchers from the University of California, have surveyed 280 men, of whom wanted to show how many times during the week viewing pornographic material.
For each respondent was estimated number of hours during the week and their sum for a month, reports Telegraph.
Later, those asked to fill in some forms, dealing with performance on the couple during sexual intercourse.
All those who have watched more porn, have shown better result - of sexual fantasy, duration and pleasure during intercourse.
"Sights and lessons learned from pornographic movies are the best promoters sex", said among other things in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, associated with this research.

Is this the best way to hide from the police? (Photo)

Jose Espinoza has painted his face black, only to flee from police.

Of course, in his last attempt and ended up behind bars. Police officers arrested him without problems, reports Telegraph.
"Camouflage is ineffective", was quoted as saying one of the police officers after arrest.
Espinoza is now in Madera County Jail, where he faces charges of car theft.
His idea strange provoked mixed reactions from many users of social network Facebook after his picture was published on the official website of the police station where he was detained.

Infamous record-men: Captured 150 times by the same radar!

A driver in Austria is "caught" in the past two months, at least 150 times by the same radar, with which it has become "notorious record holder".

It is a radar in "Annenheim am Ossiacher See", and the driver who thought that they would not be penalized, since his car was registered outside Austria, reports Telegraph.
Although no details were given about the identity of the person and whether Austrian, has said that "of course the fine will not be small."
Karl Knape from Villaher traffic authorities said that "overcoming such high speed will give him a four-digit amount, if not five-digit codes, the euro"