Sun, of course, has existed since before the birth of humanity will be when we do not yet exist. But how many will come to know before it happens? Still to this day many of its aspects are unknown, while less known are truly astonishing.

You must continue to read below to discover some of the seductive facts around the sun that will allow you to see a "different look"!
There is a bright thing on Earth
This record belongs to the hotel "Luxor" in Las Vegas, which each night sparks a "ray of heaven" (a kind lighthouse) consisting of 39 lamps with a capacity of 7000 watts each. This can be seen even from space and pilots sometimes use as a reference point during the flight.
Considered a god or a monster
Many ancient societies identify the sun as a god or a monster. Enough to bring to mind Ra-in, Lord of the sun to the old Egyptians. Meanwhile, according to a foreign legend, it said that the sun was a monster with three eyes and four arms, which was left by his bride the glory of yore!
It has created the greatest human revolutions
Many scientists have laid the hypothesis that sunlight has influenced human behavior, pushing them toward revolution. Perhaps it is no coincidence that the American Revolution, the French along with Russia took place all during the period of greatest solar activity.
There is yellow
Although in most of the pictures appear orange or yellow, the sun actually is white.
He looks different colors because of our atmosphere, which spread sunlight colored by changing them.
No effect on the sea
Although it is known that the seas influenced by the moon, what many do not know is that the sun also contributes to this phenomenon.
However, the tidal force of the sun is equal to 46% of the moon. This is due to much greater distance between the sun and earth compared with Monday.
The sun makes us happy!
Despite the vent below the sun has negative effects, it is scientifically proven that sunlight makes us happier being that operates on the production of some hormones like serotonin.
Among other positive effects, sunlight produces vitamin D, pontificate and stimulates cellular metabolism and strengthens our immune system.
It is one of the most powerful energy source of our solar system
Suffice it to say that 30 days solar radiation is equal to about all the energy used by man since the beginning of civilization. Or even more, that every second the sun emits the same amount of energy as 10 billion nuclear bombs.
The sun makes us sneeze
About 25% of individuals sneezing whenever exposed by a strong light source, then mostly sunny. It is a syndrome known as ACHOO genetically transmitted. It is a serious problem for aircraft pilots!
Can quickly destroy us
It is assumed that if sunlight could come directly to the ground, within three minutes its crust will melt completely and very quickly it can be done as a soccer ball. / Gazetashqip /
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