In the world today there are strange people but are considered by some supernatural force.
Demkina Natasha is a woman from Russia, which says it can see inside the human body. Like an X-ray machine, it can find problems inside the human body and diagnose also. According to her mother, Natasha was a very normal child until the age of ten. In this age her skills began to emerge.
2. Magnetic Body
Thow Lin Liew from Malaysia is a man who can climb the metal objects to his body. Although scientists have not discovered anything abnormally with magnetic of his body, he can maintain and balance a substantial weight metal objects on his skin.
3. Memory superhuman
Daniel Temmet can remember large amounts of information. For example, he made it possible repetition of the number pi up to 22.514 figures within 5 hours and 9 minutes on March 14 2004. Most of the wise are not able to explain their wonderful skills but Daniel is different. He explains that in his mind every integer up to 10,000 has the quality, color, shape and its unique feeling. This has helped him to memorize things better than a normal person.
4. No need for sleep
Al Herpin was a man who knew what it means this thing. He claimed that he had a rare disease insomnia and had no need to sleep. At one point in his life he had stood for more than 10 years without sleeping. This attracted the attention of professional doctors who examined the matter further. They did not find any bed or bedroom in his house. He said that when he went to work and sit back and read up on the schedule when he must go back to work the next day. He was a healthy man who died at the age of 94.
5. The stomach of steel
Michel Lotito is known for his ability to eat items that do not dissolve well without causing any damage. He is seen by eating glass, metal, rubber and other objects. Do not try this at home.
6. gjuhëfolëse superhuman abilities
Average speaking several languages of all people in the world is 1.69.Harold Williams, on the other hand could speak 58 different languages.Harold, was a normal child until the age of 7 when he said that he had suffered a "brain explosion". After learning Latin, which is the basis of many languages he could not satisfy. He spent his life traveling around different countries in order to learn as many languages.
7. Preview eagle
Seider Veronica holds the record of seeing the smaller facility without technological assistance. It has a sight sharpness 20 times better than a normal person. It is able to identify a person at a distance of 1.6 km.
8. Vision Sonar
Ben Underwood is an incredible person who can see the (oriented) using the sound of objects or people around him. Ben lost his sight from cancer and is completely blind. However using a crunchy noise series he is able analyze the world around him.
9. high tolerance to pain
We have seen people who have used meditation to ease the pain of the birth of a child, but Trim Cridland decided to use its high tolerance to pain as a means of performance and entertainment.
"There is nothing abnormally in terms of my body. Everything I did, was because of my training. I would say that I give some extreme examples of what we can do with our minds combined with the body ".
10. Communication with animals
Kevin Richardson is an animal trainer who has been accepted in some batches of lions and hyena clans. He has broken almost every security rule and says he focuses more on intuition than to traditional methods when it comes to interaction with animals. Imagine a world where all of us could live in harmony with the animals around us.
11. sensory skills and knowledge of music
Arthur Lintgen is an American physicist who can recognize songs containing a single turntable to view it. It can also distinguish whether the volume of the song is high or low based on some small details discs.
12. One computer
Shakuntala Devi is a woman from India who can count numbers beyond normal human capabilities. It has been tested several times and has been able to do all the calculations in her mind. When it was tested by the University of California were asked to take into account what the square root of 61,629,875 which was very easy for him.
13. Photographic memory
Stephen Wiltshere is a British architect who sees a landscape once and can draw it with perfect precision. He often draws plans related cities only see them for a very short time from a helicopter. Once he drew 10 km2 of the city of London with a detailed accuracy only by a short tour by helicopter.
14. Running long distances
In the north-west of Mexico found a group of locals who called Tarahumara people and have the ability to run very far distances. They declare that they are running at a distance of 230km without stopping for a 2-day period.
15. "ice man"
Wiceim Hof is a 50 year old man who has broken the cold limits worldwide.In the past 35 years he has conducted various challenges taking so 20 Guinness records. Wim uses a breathing meditation technique which makes it possible for him not to feel the cold as the rest of us.
16. supernatural reflexes
Isao Machii is a laido-art master who has the fastest reflex in the world. He holds many world records for his quick skills with the sword.
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