The conclusion that money changes people, or to people who did not have anything, in this case it is absolutely true!

It would not be a strange situation, if because of these young girls will not shkurorëzohej wives, reports Telegraph.
In fact, after winning around two billion euros, heart he "gave" Samantha Birbidge, former kalëruesen which began after the adventure with 44-year-old at least bought ten horses.
Also he gave as a gift a riding arena in Norfolk, as well as a "fleet" of transport for horses.
Friends have commented on this situation as very strange, since Adrian had no affinity for horses and think that this has affected Samantha.
Adrian from his ex-wife 41-year Guillain were divorced 15 months after won first prize.
Although they both promised each other love and work as before earning two billion euros, love was over.
Samanthën quickly met and it became the center of his world. / Telegraph /
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